About Us

We strive to create a community here at Vorbix, a community that fosters creativity and learning, relationships of trust, and people of all different walks of life.
So, who is Vorbix International?

We are people, just like you! We are people doing what people do best: building a better future for generations to come. Whether that be through synergism in the workplace, or striving for efficiency in one's occupational duties, everyone can do their part to be a benefactor in the Vorbix community.

How does one become part of this community?
We thought you'd never ask!
We are part of the Vorbix community, you are a part of the Vorbix community, anyone reading this is a part of the Vorbix community.
Every person who dedicates their life to cultivating a brighter future for the Earth and our shareholders is part of the Vorbix community. Every person who looks upon the world in its truest form is part of the Vorbix community. Every person who has seen death is part of the Vorbix community. And soon, everyone will be a part of the Vorbix community!